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“For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.”

Proverbs 24:6




My name is Travaé Griffith, BSW, MA. I am the owner of El Sagrario Comprehensive Marriage Service Center, LLC. I reside in Birmingham, Alabama with my husband and children. I am a Believer of Christ. Marriage is the ministry to which I was called. My goal in this ministry is to glorify God and empower people. I am an author, a teacher, a minister, a coach and a counselor. My counseling lens is systems, experiential, emotion focused, narrative and cognitive behavioral; however, I may pull from other theories. Most importantly, I counsel, coach and teach from a Biblical perspective.


I was raised in a Christian home where I got my first glimpse of marriage through my parents. I have always been intrigued by love and marriage, but it was not until God downloaded my book, Fanning the Flames, into my spirit that I really began to grasp the breadth and depth of marriage as ministry. I have served and continue to serve in various areas of ministry ranging from teaching New Members classes to teaching Life Application classes to singing with my church Praise Team. Once I accepted the call to ministry of counseling and teaching, I went back to school for formal training to enhance and perfect what God was already imparting. I have worked with people of all ages. I have worked with such populations as: those experiencing severe mental illness, those battling addiction, adults and juveniles with sexually deviant behaviors, those in complex families, those incarcerated and a number of other categories. I use the wisdom God allowed me to obtain for my own marriage as well as to help others.

  • Bachelor of Science in Social Work from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)

  • Master of Marriage, Couples and Family Counseling from UAB

  • Ministry Licensure from Jehovah Shalom International Kingdom Ministries Training College

  • Certification of Ordination as a Teacher from Jehovah Shalom International Kingdom Ministries Training College

  • Certification as Life Coach by the CPD Certification Service through New Skills Academy

  • Adults, Children, and Adolescents

  • Individuals and Couples

  • Relationship Issues



Sessions are by appointment only and may be conducted in person or via telehealth.





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